Rainbow of Hope
Rainbow of hope for you.
I saw this beautiful rainbow while standing in the cramped and over crowded MRT .
It's very unique because it's the first time i see such a perfect rainbow.

The rainbow looks exactly like the one in the picture.( i didnt manage to take the real one)
I wish that this rainbow gives me new hope for this new year :)

I've accumulated thousands of cam-whoring photos after all these years.
I believe that i didn't change for the better. hahahs.
But im still loving this photo ;)

Yes,i believe i did look dumber. hahahsAnd this is how i feel today, CAN'T BE BOTHERED. hahas ;)
But im a happy girl these few days,i got back my common tests results.
You reap what you sow.I reap more this time round so i'm quite satisfied.
Got to work harder now! :D
FIGHTING everybody! :DD Exams coming ~.~

If you are wondering if this is a bird or chicken.This is a bird!!!!
Don't argue that it's a chicken,i will bite you. hahahs

DHL delivers whatever. ;D



Ayden said...

HAHAH! It really does cheer me up after a long hectic fight against my assignment. :D